Our Parish
When we gather and pray together as we participate in the celebration of the Mass each Sunday, we remember and celebrate God's enduring love. It is a blessed privilege for us as Catholics. We look forward to you worshipping with us.
St Michael’s Parish is committed to you its parishioners, and to helping you grow towards a deeper relationship with God. We pray for your needs; we mark and celebrate the sacramental steps that you and the members of your family take – Baptism, First Holy Communion, Marriage, etc. we remember your loved ones who have died; St. Michael’s Parish is committed to travelling with you as you discern and discover God's plan for your life.
I was very blessed and privileged to have been appointed as Parish Priest in August 2018. It is my intention to work hard each day to bring the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to life through our actions and words. It is my fervent hope that we can do this together through prayer, the sacraments, and a warm and welcoming hospitality.
If there is anything that you need and do not see on this website, please feel free to contact me, Fr Howell, or Fr O'Neill or any member of our parish staff to further assist you.
I pray that you will find your experience with us both spiritually enriching, sacramentally nourishing and life rewarding.
May God bless you and your family
Fr Billy Flynn
Fr Billy Flynn - Parish Priest